Peacham Farmers Market

Sowing Fresh Ideas, Reaping Delicious Creations


From Seed to Market: Tracing the Journey of Peacham’s Harvest

In the picturesque town of Peacham, Vermont, the journey of every fruit and vegetable from seed to market is a story of dedication, care, and community. Today, we’ll trace the path of one beloved crop – the Peacham heirloom tomato – and discover the journey these vibrant fruits make from the fertile soil of our local farms to the bustling stalls of our farmers market.

Planting: The Birth of a Crop

Our journey begins in the early days of spring, in the warm, nurturing environment of the greenhouse. Here, seeds are carefully planted and tended to by skilled farmers. The Thompson family, third-generation farmers in Peacham, are among those who start their tomato seeds indoors to protect them from the late frosts of Vermont’s unpredictable spring.

“Each seed is a promise of the harvest to come,” says Emily Thompson, as she gently waters the rows of sprouting plants.

Growth: Nurturing Nature’s Bounty

As the days lengthen and the weather warms, the tomato plants are moved to their outdoor beds. The farmers of Peacham are diligent in their care, employing sustainable practices such as crop rotation and natural composting to enrich the soil and encourage healthy growth.

“Our tomatoes are like our children,” laughs Mark Thompson. “We feed them, we watch over them, and we help them grow strong and healthy.”

Harvest: Reaping the Rewards

By mid-summer, the tomato plants are laden with fruit, their vibrant reds, yellows, and greens painting a vivid picture against the backdrop of lush Vermont fields. The harvest is a community effort, with farmers and their families hand-picking the ripe tomatoes at the peak of their flavor.

“The harvest is my favorite part,” says Emily. “There’s nothing quite like the taste of a tomato fresh from the vine.”

From Farm to Market

Once harvested, the tomatoes are carefully packed and transported to the Peacham Farmers Market. Here, they take their place among a cornucopia of local produce, proudly displayed by the farmers who grew them.

At the market, residents and visitors alike are drawn to the vibrant colors and fresh aromas of the Peacham heirloom tomatoes. Each purchase is a direct support to the local farming community, ensuring the continuation of sustainable, local agriculture.


The journey of the Peacham heirloom tomato from seed to market is a testament to the hard work and passion of our local farmers. It’s a journey that connects us all – from the hands that plant and nurture, to the hands that select and prepare these tomatoes for their family meals. As we enjoy the fruits of this labor, we’re reminded of the importance of supporting local agriculture and the rich tapestry of community it weaves.

Join us next week as we explore more stories behind Peacham’s favorite produce!