Peacham Farmers Market

Sowing Fresh Ideas, Reaping Delicious Creations


A Day in the Life of a Peacham Farmer: Embracing the Rhythms of the Land

Nestled in the rolling hills of Vermont, Peacham is not just a place. It’s a lifestyle, especially for those who have chosen farming as their calling. Today, we’re taking a closer look at the day-to-day life of a Peacham farmer, unveiling the dedication and passion that goes into every crop and every harvest.

Morning Chores: Greeting the Dawn

The day for a Peacham farmer begins early, often before the sun paints the sky with its first light. For farmers like John and Mary Thompson, who have run the Maple Brook Farm in Peacham for over two decades, this time of day is sacred.

“Morning is when the farm wakes up,” says John. “It’s a peaceful yet busy time, checking on the animals, milking the cows, and preparing for the day ahead.”

Mid-Morning: Tending to Crops

As the morning progresses, the focus shifts to the fields. This is the time for planting, weeding, or harvesting, depending on the season. In the spring, the air is filled with the scent of fresh earth as seeds are sown. Summer brings the task of weeding and ensuring each plant receives adequate water, while fall is all about the harvest.

“Each season has its charm and challenges,” Mary explains. “In farming, you’re truly in tune with the rhythms of nature.”

Afternoon: The Business Side of Farming

After a lunch often comprised of fresh produce from their land, it’s time to tackle the administrative side of farming. This includes everything from ordering supplies, managing finances, to planning future crops. For many farmers, this is also the time to prepare produce for the market.

“We take pride in what we sell at the farmers market,” says John. “Ensuring our produce is fresh and high-quality is our top priority.”

Evening: Winding Down and Planning Ahead

As the day winds down, the Thompsons take a final walk through their farm, checking on the animals and the state of their crops. It’s a time for reflection and planning for the next day.

“Farming is more than a job; it’s a way of life,” Mary remarks. “Every day is different, and that’s what we love about it.”


The life of a farmer in Peacham is as demanding as it is rewarding. It’s a life dictated by the seasons and the needs of the land. Through their tireless work, farmers like the Thompsons are the backbone of our community, providing us with fresh, local produce and a connection to the land we call home.

Stay tuned for our next post, where we’ll dive into the innovative farming practices being adopted in Peacham!